Tuesday, May 8, 2007

What have i done?!?!

I have discovered a very strange problem, i think that is the only way i can describe it. I sat down with my girlfriend Jeanette the other day and convinced her that she needed to join me on my path to better health, she and i have spoken about it for a long time and she was a fantastic support to me when i first completed my 12 week program with Sue. Thankfully she agreed and we set about diet and exercise... I am cheating a little and have gone back to the original exercise program and diet that Sue designed for me some time ago, and will start there and gain a bit of fitness back and then ask Sue to help me in designing a new program. I knew this worked so i was determand to follow it, Jeanette decided that she would follow along as much as she could.
I however have decided to enter a bike tour in November of this year, it is a couple of day event and will involve riding from Mildura to Echuca over a 2 day period. I wont be riding the whole way (though there is some who do), i will ride in sections. Tim (hubby) has ridden a few times with the police team, as he is a member, and a few of them asked if i could ride with them this year as well. I thought why not!!! Just to add to the challenge and give me a bit of a goal to look to. Sooooo Jeanette and i have been ridding out little hearts out over the past few days, We went for a bike ride on Saturday afternoon, was not so bad until I talked her into doing a RPM class on Sunday morning at the gym. I loved the class it was a full on workout, i drank a fair bit of water but i think i was sweating so much at i got rid of it all, for a 45 minute class they sure pack a fair bit in!!! Poor Netty i thought she was going to die - i think she thought so too!! But i found that after the bike ride on Saturday i had this sore spot right where you sit in the saddle of the bike, makes it very tender and kinda hard to sit on the seat again. I actually thought i had bruised my pelvic bone or something serious!!! So i spent a lot of the class trying to stay out of the seat... which gave my legs and rear an extra bit of work out... They have the class on again today after work so i will have a full day, cardio this morning, weights this afternoon, a game of netball and then try and squeeze in an rpm class (hope i dont fall off the bike)....

LOL all in good fun and fitness... (will see how i am feeling tomorrow)

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