Thursday, May 10, 2007

my butt is so sore

OMG i am so sore today, it is a little unbearable at the moment. I am not sure what activity this was that made it occur. I am thinking it might have been the sprints i done yesterday and then the stepper. It might have even been the bike ride that i had this morning (stationary bike).
It has gotten to the point where i cant actually sit down on my desk chair for longer than a couple of minutes. It is a deep ache where i wiggle around try and get comfortable. It really sort of brings a tear to my eye. But at the same time i am kinda happy about it, it is not damaged, (LOL at myself) but i think it is just DOMS, which means that things are actually starting to work and i will hopefully start to loose some cm around my arse!!!! YAY for me.
I have been eating and going to the gym consistantly for a week now and i am feeling pretty good. I had a flat spot in the middle of the week but i am still getting there each morning, this morning i was a little late as well, but still there. Jeanette was not there again today (BOO HISS) but she sent me a message to tell me she is not well, and feels that her body is going into detox mode and cleaning itself up and she is just feeling a bit flat and off... I hope she will stick at it. I am actually feeling much healthier in myself these last couple of days, my body feels great (not that i have lost cm yet) but i am just feeling really good about my self, and my food has been really good, and i have not gone off plan as yet... I had a meal with the family during the week and had salad and a roast, so that was a night off in a sense, but the salad was still good and i weighed my portion of roast out. Tim has been to the supermarket today and bought me all my food and has been home cooking for me for the next week or so so i will have plenty of meals and snacks for myself.

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