Wednesday, May 9, 2007

My Parents

Well where shall i start with my parents? I think my parents are fantastic and i love them very much. They have always been supportive of myself and my goals and very encouraging with my meal selections and will always have something that i can eat in the fridge/pantry if i come around. They themselves have been spending the last year i think changing their diet as Dad has been told that he has high cholesterol and there is a family history of heart disease, so mum and dad went out and bought themselves various little cardio equipment pieces and some light dumbells and got stuck into some activities at home. They both lost some weight doing this!!! Am so proud.

Recently they anounced that Dad went and got checked again and his cholesterol is still a bit high and so they have gone off and joined the gym!!! I nearly fell over, my parents are 54 and 51 years old and have decided to join the gym. Not the same one that i am attending but they have met with the trainer there and have had a program designed for them and have been going about 3 times a week, maybe 4 depending on their time and work commitments. Mum has been really excited about it and said that after the first week she found that she had to increase the weights that she was using as she had found them too easy. Her goal is to tone up a bit, she is not concerned about the scale weight that she might achieve as she has listened to me i dont know how many times telling myself that scale weight is difficult to judge.

On a side issue, i am a bit sore today, my cardio yesterday, weights in the evening and then a couple of games of netball done it for me. I was going to go back for an RPM class but didnt make it after netball in time. I think i done enough anyway!!! It was a struggle to get up this morning, but i decided if i want to look good on a bike in November (often there is a section of the ride that is ridden naked or near enough) i figgured i better get my sorry arse up out of bed. I struggled and got there a bit late, but still i am proud for getting there, i could have curled up in bed with my husband - which i could almost of justified given i dont get to see him much, but i got up and ran on the treadmill for 20 minutes, with 2 minute intervals of run/walk. I was impressed with my level of cardio fitness, given my measurements that is. I then got on the stepper (my least favorite) for another 10 minutes - this hurt very much, so now my sorry arse that i dragged out of bed is feeling very sore and tight sitting on my office chair!!! LOL... And then i managed to get out some abs, this i had to do a lot of talking myself into, but done it anyway. I was watching this guy checking out Jodie at the gym this morning, from where i was on my nasty ab machine i could see straight at Jodie and this bloke was watching her quite intently!!!! Very hairy, I dont know about you Jodie, but i cant stand hairy blokes, i know blokes have hair but this was a little too much.

Going good with my eats so far, it has helped that Tim has been home at the right times and been able to cook at least 5 - 6 days worth of meals for me, he cooks them up and then puts them in individual containers and has the freezer sectioned off for lunch/snacks 100g each and then dinner at 150g. All i need to do is take out meals each night and cook my veggies and rice and it is all done. He is such an angel!!!!

Ok i think that is enough ramblings for today.

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