Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Did i mention that i got flowers?!?

YES i got flowers. Yesterday at work was so hectic that i am ready to give up. I have been very discouraged over the last fortnight with a family i have been working with. Difficult to explain but the children are not able to live with mum for the moment for lots of reasons, but the children are difficult. To the point where i am sporting bruising to the legs and arms where i was attatched by the child. (occupational hazard).
Yesterday the family that have been looking after the child said that they could not cope anymore, there are no other placements in Mildura, Swan Hill or Bendigo - Short of taking the child home with me, there is nowhere for the child to go. I was feeling so low.

Tim my beautiful man delivered flowers to work, i dont have a digital camera so i cant post a pic (must invest in one) but they are apricot in colour, and are just beautiful, they made my day - and the girls in the office got excited thinking i was pregnant or there must be some special event - Tim told them it was because "it was Tuesday".... I think that is just so nice. He found a card as well and i will type the verse that was in it cos it was just beautiful as well.....

Sometimes it might seem like I take for granted all the things you do. Even though I may not say the words as often as i should, I hope you know how grateful I am for you...

Every day i realise more and more how lucky i am to have you. Even when our days get hectic and the worlds demands take over, my heart is always saying a silent "thank you" for the gift of your love.

Today i decided it was time to tell you the words i am thinking in silence ever day. Thank you for all the things you do. You are the best part of my life. You bring more more happiness than I've ever known. You are everything to me... the love of my life... my wonderful, beautiful wife.

If i could have my life over again, i wish i found you sooner so i could love you longer

Gym mirrors

I have decided that i dont like the gym mirrors very much. I have never been a fan of them but today i decided that i dislike them hugely. I was staggering around the gym today, feeling every muscle in my legs screaming at me - this being due to my over enthusiasm yesterday with my cardio schedule, stepper, 2km run, netball and followed up with the new RPM class, which by the way is a killer. My hip flexers are not liking me so much today!!!
But anyway back to the mirrors... I was feeling sorry for myself already and got on the eliptical for a session - i decided to take it somewhat easy as my body wouldnt take much more, still got up a sweat and worked at about 80% heart rate for the duration so not too bad. Staggered off that and went to do some crunches, i done some on the vertical machine where you bring your legs up towards your chest, as Jode was using the other incline bench for her crunches i decided to find the machine that assists you in doing crunches with a bit of weight on. All well and good until i walked past the mirror!!!!!. I know i have poor muscle control around my middle at the moment and can look like i have a bit of a "pouch" that carries around to just about my rear, but the mirrors made me look short and fat, not so good for the self esteem. So i huffed and puffed and got the crunches done. Trotted off home to go for my 2km run with CJ, only to get just down the road and roll my ankle - it still hurts a bit. Will rest it today and see how i go tomorrow.
Needless to day i was checking myself out in the mirror at home, and i dont think i am that terrible, i know i am not sensational but i have the ability to be self critical without destroying myself completely.
Enough grumbeling for today i think.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

the cardio queen

Just call me the cardio queen! I am loving my cardio at the moment, which is strange as in the past i have prefered my weights than the cardio, I think because here in Mildura there is a lot more variety in the cardio than what there was in Swan Hill, I dont know how i lasted so long there. (sorry all you swan hill people reading this).
Monday's i have RPM in the morning, a good solid hours ride, to the point where i think i sweat more than i drink in water.
Tuesday's I will be on the stepper for at least 30 minutes, usually after about 15 i start complaining, but i muscle through it. And then i go for a 2km run with a friends son who loves running. I will also play a game or 2 of netball and then try and get to the RPM class in the evening.
Wednesday's I will do some time on the eliptical around about 30 minutes or more, and then go for another 2km run.
Thursday's I will have a ride on the bike again for about 30 minutes, and go for a 2km run.
Friday's This is normally my treadmill day, so i do some time on that and then go for a further run with CJ.

My aim whilst running with CJ is that i can do the 2km in just under 11 minutes. Which is a pretty cracking speed, not too bad on a tready but different when you are running on the pavement. CJ loves running but as i said only 12 so his parents are not so keen on him running too much on his own. So i was happy to take up the challange, CJ will run 20km and think nothing of it and complain that it is not enough. So my 2km run each morning is probably not enough for him, but for me who has already been at the gym it is more than enough!!!. I am down to running the 2km in 14 minutes, and that is only stopping once to walk for about 20m (not long enough for my liking) but i have shaved it down from 19 minutes in a week. So I am a bit impressed with myself, i just need to work on my speed now and get the 11 minute mark, i dont think it will take that long really. Then i might add some sprints into it.

Well off to court - got to do some work for the day.

Monday, May 28, 2007

my new best friend

Isn't it amazing how great you feel when you get a new sports bra. I know it might sound strange and a little left field but honestly, you very quickly realise how awful the old ones are!!!! I decided that i would take myself off and get a couple of new sports bra's on the weekend, deciding that the old faithfuls are past their used by date. I drag Tim along for a quick education on bra shopping - i think he felt a little uncomfortable wandering around the store. I automatically go to the size i have been for i dont know how long, (even previous 12 week challenges have not reduced my cup size) I select what i think are 2 nice as fashionable as you can get with sports bra's. Try them on and look and state to myself "well thats not right" I was swimming in them!!! I had been thinking that i had lost a bit of weight there, but didnt really think about it that much. I then ask the shop assistant for the next cup size down, (at least i had got the right size around my ribs). But again there was room to spare!!!! So i am now the proud owner of 2 new sports bra's that are 2 cup sizes smaller than i am used to. YAY - doing a happy dance.
So i do what any normal girl would do - I rang my sister to tell her that i have small breasts. She was very proud of me, just as well as poor Tim was in two minds about how he felt. My sister is looking at planning a wedding in the near future, (she is not engaged yet - but we are expecting it soon) so i am excited about dress shopping now, for both her and me.
I am thinking my body is finally worked out what the exercise is all about and i am feeling that my clothes are starting to fit a little different - appart from the fact that i lost 2 cm in buying a bra that fits properly and is quite supportive. I have a pair of pants that i am dying to get into, and i think i am only a few cm off. I can get them up and on properly but still feeling a bit tight in places, so i guess i am in between.

If anyone wants a real good workout, go to an RPM class - i love them, but very exhausting, but you certainly feel your butt and legs!!! And as i type this, i am thinking that i can very clearly feel my butt sitting on my chair....

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

stat update

Ok just a quick update on the stat side of things.... Am happy with some things, although a bit disappointed with others, oh well, when i start my 12 weeks in June i will have a good platform to start with.
Although i am not as out of shame as i thought i guess, some of my measurements are only a cm or two different from my finish measurements from my past challenge, putting me in an awesome spot for my next 12 weeks. I am trying to set some realisitc goals which i think is achieveable based on the cm loss from before.

Shoulders - 94cm
Chest - 91cm
Waist - 70.5cm (i hate measureing this, i am always unsure exactly where to measure, any suggestions)
Hips - 107cm
Thigh - 59cm
Calf - 35.5cm
Bicep - 30cm

My hips are not so good, back to where i started initially, but i know i got down to 101.1cm in the end. I will put my goal measurements and i have attempted to be realistic, someone tell me if i am over or under estimating.....

Shoulders - I dont know about this actually, wherever i end up is good.
Chest - 84cm
Waist - 62cm
Hips - 98cm
Thigh - 55cm
Calf - 34cm
Bicep - 28cm

Time will tell i guess.... I start on the 4th of June, Wish me luck!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

moving along

Well things are moving along nicely, I have kept up a pretty solid training routine, and have managed all my cardio and a few weights. My eating has been spot on and i have allowed myself the odd luxury at appropriate times. For some reason i am not struggling with the eating and the cardio this time, I am all keen and ready for my new challenge that i will be starting on the 4th of June with Sue, perfect timing really as i have an engagement party on the 2nd... I have already promised myself that i will be sensible - Might even drive and limit myself a bit more.
I sweatted through yet another rpm class on Sunday - i loved this one, different music and different structure which for some reason i found a bit easier than the other classes i had attended, but yet again i was puffing and exhausted with huge muscle fatigue afterwards - i kept pushing myself, saying that if i want a nice arse and legs this is only going to help!!!!... Yet again i think i lost all the water i drank in sweat but i was so proud of myself for getting through it, I didnt realise how much you use your abs doing that sort of work on the bike, they didnt hurt at the time, but i decided in my wisdom, or stupidity not sure which, that i would do some more abs, that was all good until I went on a truck trip with my father in law, left Sunday night Monday morning and the whole way there i was complaining that my abs hurt so much, the bouncing in the truck was not doing me any good.

Got a wonderful compliment the other day, we had a work function and went out for lunch, i was good and ordered a chicken salad, it was so nice!!!... A few other girls at work have been talking about going on a diet or loosing weight, i stated that i was back on my program and going as well as i could, and one of the girls commented that she thought i had lost weight, NICE!!! Not sure where from, but maybe just a little toned, have not done measurements this fortnight yet (tonights job) so i may have lost a cm or so.

I have organised myself at home - so badly wish i had a treadmil so i could cruise on that of an evening whilst i am watching tv, but i have some weights at home and am doing some bits and pieces during ad breaks ie: abs and arms and shoulders.
Got up a bit earlier today and was at the gym by 6am and done 30 minutes on the stepper - again sweating my rear off (YAY) and done some more abs - i am determined to have a nice looking tummy with no extra bits on the sides and the dreaded back fat!!!. And then went for a 2km run with my girlfriends son who is 12. Might i add that this guy can run, poor me i was complaining after being on the stepper and then going for the run i thought my legs might dropp off!!!!... I still have a netball game to get through tonight.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Wedding Pic's

You wouldnt believe it that i didnt get dirty with the sand at all, i thought i would be filthy, but i didnt mind at all as i wanted that pic - it was taken just on sunset, and will be a made into a large pic up on my wall.
As you can see Tim loved this one, as did Tammie (in the purple) she is so cheeky!!!

We all had a laugh with this one, Garth (tim's brother 2nd from the left) was the only bloke who knew how to skip... LOL

This was a pic that was just taken on the spur of the moment, but stil another favorite.

One of my favorite pics - the little one in the front is my nephew Isaac (6yo) i will add a few others here and there i wont over load the pc, as i dont know how many people will want to look at... i could look at them all day LOL

the gym chick

After being woken up this morning at 5.30 by the garbage truck i promised myself that the next house i have the main bedroom will not be near the front of the house, i am sick of getting woken up at that hour when i know i can sleep for another 30 minutes before getting out of bed... big sook i know, but it is important!!! I rolled out of bed and trotted off to the gym getting there at about 6.10am to find several other people, (along with my girlfriend who is always late and never anywhere before me) standing around out the front and the gym was very dark and locked.
BEAUT, we thought, but was then concerned as to what happened, we waited for a bit longer and then decided that a walk would be appropriate, given we were up and about anyway, and cardio is cardio even if it is done on the side of the road... We cruised along for some time and realised that we had gone too far, finding a work mate of Netty's husband we got a lift back to the gym just on 7am in time to get home to get ready for work. The gym was open by then, and we found the other group of people back from their walk as well!!! We questioned what had occured and found that the manager had come in and opened up as the gym chick had slept in!!!!
He didnt offer us any compensation or free pass for anything, just said he was sorry, Oh well, what is done is done, and i still got my cardio in.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

quick update

Ok really quite update, I had a good week last week, i was spot on with my meals and got through all the water i could possibly manage. My training was good - i hit a bit of a flat spot at the end of the week, my body just gave out and couldnt get out of bed. But that is ok i think, a week of early mornings when i have not been used to it has got to take its tole. I have not had my weekly weigh in or measurements yet, but i think i will do them on a fortnightly basis.

This week has started on a bit of a flat spot as well, i missed my gym this morning, for no reason other than i slept in.... :( terrible i know but i just didnt wake up. Will get back and going tomorrow. On the whole i am feeling pretty good, it is amazing what a couple of days healthy eating and exercise can do to you.

Mothers day was a great day for the family - we went out for brunch with Tim's mum and family, i had eggs and mushroom, and then went on for lunch with my mum and family - i was so proud of myself that i opted for fresh fruit salad as opposed to anything else on the menu. I felt better for it!!!

On the home front, things are looking better every day, Tim has finally been transfered (only to Robinvale thou) but at least it means that he can come home every night now as opposed to 4 times a fortnight... not the best thing for a new marriage. Tim and i have been very stressed, and bordering on depression, where our lives personally and professionally have been greatly affected. So now with this move, even though it is only temporary it is a step closser, and soon we are hoping that he will hear that he can start back in Mildura sooner rather than later.

Here's to the girls

All of us girls..
Old and young...
Near and far...
Hold special memories of good times we've shared.
We've had our share of hard times when our friends were there to make us
feel better.
We've shared...
our hearts
our time
our secrets
our fears
our hopes
and our dreams.
Let us never break the chain of friends!

I am only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair spray I use and the girlfriends I have. Here's to you!
Why do we only have parties for each other when one of us gets married, pregnant, has a birthday, or retires?
What would most of us do without our sisters, confidants, and shopping, lunching and traveling girlfriends?
Let's celebrate each other for each other's sake!
If you get this twice or more, you are lucky to have more than one girlfriend.
Someone will always be prettier.
Someone will always be smarter.
Their house will be bigger.
They will drive a better car.
Their children will do better in school.
And their husband will fix more things around the house.
So let it go, Be Happy!
And love yourself and your circumstances.
Think about it.
The prettiest woman in the world can have trouble in her heart.
And the most highly favored woman on your job may be unable to have children.
And the richest woman you know, she's got the car, the house, the clothes....might be lonely.
And the word says if "I have not Love, I have nothing."

So, again, love you.
Love who you are.
Look in the mirror in the morning and smile and say
"I am too blessed to be stressed and too anointed to be disappointed!"
I like that!
"Winners make things happen.
Losers let things happen"
Be Blessed ladies and pass this on to encourage another woman.
"To the world you might be one person,
But to one person you just might be the world".


Friday, May 11, 2007

John Thomas William Dedman

John Thomas William Dedman
Born: 15th December 1915

Enlisted: June 25th 1940
Joined camp July 9th at Caufield and moved to Mt Marther, Balcombe, Darley and joined the 29th Batalion on the 28th of November 1940 at Bunegilla.
Went on to New South Wales and sailed on the 30th of July 1941.
  • Singapore 15th August 1941
  • Segarannat 15th September 1941
  • Kehang November 1941
  • Batu - Anum 15th January 1942
  • Prisioner of War Changi 15th February 1942
  • Thompson Road May 1942
  • River Valley 20th November 1942
  • Changi December 1942
  • Thailand 20th April 1943
  • Work on Burma railway 25th April 1943
  • Kanburi 29th November 1943

Join up for a grand adventure they were told, they were not told that through this grand adventure they would learn heartache, fear and pain. To watch a man die in your arms is not the grand adventure they were promised.

I have heard many stories about being a Prisioner Of War, some funny and some sad. There was once a time when the men were ordered by the Japanise soldiers to unload items, in those items were biscuits, the "Japs" as they were called did not realise but one of the men opened a box and was feeding the troops as they carried the boxes into the shed. They were pleased with the men at how fast they were doing their job. At other times building the Burma railway the men would not put all of the reqired pin's in the track and would only put one or two instead of the correct number. During this time John (snowy) along with other men became ill, John and some others were left at the previous camp, when it was relocated down the track, they were left to die as they were considered too weak to work. They were near a mango tree and took turns to climb it and eat the mango's until someone found them.

John returned to Australia at the end of the war and married Vanice Horne, John and Vanice had two children, Vanice Ann (Ann) and Philip John. Both of which went on to produce two and three children respectively, and in turn have had three great grandchildren.

John, better known to me as "pa". My pa is much loved by many people, and is well respected in the community for what he has accomplished in his life. Pa has always been generous with his time and effort and would do anything to help anyone. To me my Pa is a hero, someone who went off to do what is right for our country and to fight for what Australian's value most - freedom.

some pics

These are some pic's of me and pa on my wedding day, it was such a special moment for me, and i am so pleased the photographer caught those memories.
The other photo's are of John (Pa), Philip John (dad) Travis John (my brother) and Anton John (my nephew) all of them Dedmans, 4 generations - how special.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

For those who care about Australia and our country

This is an email that was sent to me, it made me cry and it made me think of my grandfather who served in WW2 and my husband who served in East Timor for a period of time and still serves as an army reservist... I will certainly be wearing red on friday's from now on!!! For the next few Friday's i will have a new soldier up on here as a testiment to their hard work to keep our country the way it is, free!!!

From the daughter of a Soldier.

Last week I was in Melbourne attending a conference.
While I was in the airport, returning home, I heard several people behind me beginning to clap and cheer.
I immediately turned around and witnessed one of the greatest acts of patriotism I have ever seen.
Moving through the terminal was a group of soldiers in their uniforms, as they began heading to their gate everyone (well almost everyone) was abruptly to their feet with their hands waving and cheering.
When I saw the soldiers, probably 30-40 of them, being applauded and cheered for, it hit me.

I'm not alone.
I'm not the only red blooded Australian who still loves this country and supports our troops and their families.
Of course I immediately stopped and began clapping for these young unsung heroes who are putting their lives on the line everyday for us so we can go to school, work, and enjoy our home without fear or reprisal.
Just when I thought I could not be more proud of my country or of our service men and women a young girl, not more than 6 or 7 years old, ran up to one of the male soldiers. He knelt down and said "hi," the little girl then asked him if he would give something to her daddy for her.
The young soldier didn't look any older than maybe 22 he, said he would try and what did she want to give to her daddy. Suddenly the little girl grabbed the neck of this soldier, gave him the biggest hug she could muster and then kissed him on the cheek. The mother of the little girl, who said her daughters’ name was Courtney, told the young soldier that her husband was a Corporal and had been in Afghanistan for 5 months now.
As the mum was explaining how much her daughter, Courtney, missed her father, the young soldier began to tear up.
When this temporarily single mum was done explaining her situation, all of the soldiers huddled together for a brief second. Then one of the other servicemen pulled out a military looking walkie-talkie. They started playing with the device and talking back and forth on it.
After about 10-15 seconds of this, the young soldier walked back over to Courtney bent down and said this to her "I spoke to your daddy and he told me to give this to you."
He then hugged this little girl that he had just met and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
He finished by saying, "Your daddy told me to tell you that he loves you more than anything and he is coming home very soon."
The mum at this point was crying almost uncontrollably and as the young soldier stood to his feet he saluted Courtney and her mum.
I was standing no more than 6 feet away as this entire event unfolded.
As the soldiers began to leave, heading towards their gate people resumed their applause. As I stood there applauding and looked around, there were very few dry eyes, including my own.
That young soldier in one last act of moment turned around and blew a kiss to Courtney with a tear rolling down his
We need to remember everyday all of our soldiers and their families and thank God for them and their sacrifices.
At the end of the day, it's good to be an Australian.


Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing Red every Friday.

The reason?

Australian's who support our troops used to be called the "silent majority".
We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love for Country and home in record-breaking numbers. We are not organised, boisterous or over-bearing. We get no liberal media coverage on TV, to reflect our message or our opinions.
Many Australian's, like you, all our friends, and me simply want to recognise that the vast majority of Australia supports our troops.
Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect starts this Friday and continues each and every Friday until the troops all come home, sending a deafening message that every Australian who supports our men and women afar will wear something red.
By word of mouth, press, TV -- let's make Australia on every Friday a sea of red much like a homecoming football team.
If every one of us who loves this country will share this with acquaintances, co-workers, friends, and family, It will not be long before Australia is covered in RED and it will let our troops know the once "silent" majority is on their side more than ever, certainly more than the media lets on.
The first thing a soldier says when asked "What can we do to make things better for you?" is..."We need your support and your prayers".
Let's get the word out and lead with class and dignity, by
example; and wear something red every Friday.



THEIR BLOOD RUNS RED---- SO WEAR RED! --- Lest we Forget, Lest we Forget.

my butt is so sore

OMG i am so sore today, it is a little unbearable at the moment. I am not sure what activity this was that made it occur. I am thinking it might have been the sprints i done yesterday and then the stepper. It might have even been the bike ride that i had this morning (stationary bike).
It has gotten to the point where i cant actually sit down on my desk chair for longer than a couple of minutes. It is a deep ache where i wiggle around try and get comfortable. It really sort of brings a tear to my eye. But at the same time i am kinda happy about it, it is not damaged, (LOL at myself) but i think it is just DOMS, which means that things are actually starting to work and i will hopefully start to loose some cm around my arse!!!! YAY for me.
I have been eating and going to the gym consistantly for a week now and i am feeling pretty good. I had a flat spot in the middle of the week but i am still getting there each morning, this morning i was a little late as well, but still there. Jeanette was not there again today (BOO HISS) but she sent me a message to tell me she is not well, and feels that her body is going into detox mode and cleaning itself up and she is just feeling a bit flat and off... I hope she will stick at it. I am actually feeling much healthier in myself these last couple of days, my body feels great (not that i have lost cm yet) but i am just feeling really good about my self, and my food has been really good, and i have not gone off plan as yet... I had a meal with the family during the week and had salad and a roast, so that was a night off in a sense, but the salad was still good and i weighed my portion of roast out. Tim has been to the supermarket today and bought me all my food and has been home cooking for me for the next week or so so i will have plenty of meals and snacks for myself.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

My Parents

Well where shall i start with my parents? I think my parents are fantastic and i love them very much. They have always been supportive of myself and my goals and very encouraging with my meal selections and will always have something that i can eat in the fridge/pantry if i come around. They themselves have been spending the last year i think changing their diet as Dad has been told that he has high cholesterol and there is a family history of heart disease, so mum and dad went out and bought themselves various little cardio equipment pieces and some light dumbells and got stuck into some activities at home. They both lost some weight doing this!!! Am so proud.

Recently they anounced that Dad went and got checked again and his cholesterol is still a bit high and so they have gone off and joined the gym!!! I nearly fell over, my parents are 54 and 51 years old and have decided to join the gym. Not the same one that i am attending but they have met with the trainer there and have had a program designed for them and have been going about 3 times a week, maybe 4 depending on their time and work commitments. Mum has been really excited about it and said that after the first week she found that she had to increase the weights that she was using as she had found them too easy. Her goal is to tone up a bit, she is not concerned about the scale weight that she might achieve as she has listened to me i dont know how many times telling myself that scale weight is difficult to judge.

On a side issue, i am a bit sore today, my cardio yesterday, weights in the evening and then a couple of games of netball done it for me. I was going to go back for an RPM class but didnt make it after netball in time. I think i done enough anyway!!! It was a struggle to get up this morning, but i decided if i want to look good on a bike in November (often there is a section of the ride that is ridden naked or near enough) i figgured i better get my sorry arse up out of bed. I struggled and got there a bit late, but still i am proud for getting there, i could have curled up in bed with my husband - which i could almost of justified given i dont get to see him much, but i got up and ran on the treadmill for 20 minutes, with 2 minute intervals of run/walk. I was impressed with my level of cardio fitness, given my measurements that is. I then got on the stepper (my least favorite) for another 10 minutes - this hurt very much, so now my sorry arse that i dragged out of bed is feeling very sore and tight sitting on my office chair!!! LOL... And then i managed to get out some abs, this i had to do a lot of talking myself into, but done it anyway. I was watching this guy checking out Jodie at the gym this morning, from where i was on my nasty ab machine i could see straight at Jodie and this bloke was watching her quite intently!!!! Very hairy, I dont know about you Jodie, but i cant stand hairy blokes, i know blokes have hair but this was a little too much.

Going good with my eats so far, it has helped that Tim has been home at the right times and been able to cook at least 5 - 6 days worth of meals for me, he cooks them up and then puts them in individual containers and has the freezer sectioned off for lunch/snacks 100g each and then dinner at 150g. All i need to do is take out meals each night and cook my veggies and rice and it is all done. He is such an angel!!!!

Ok i think that is enough ramblings for today.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

my stats

I forgot these before so i will add a them in

shoulders - 96.5cm
Chest - 92cm
Waist - 71cm
Hips - 107cm
Thigh - 61cm
Calf - 37cm
Bicep - 30cm

I was comparing these to some of my start figgues and finish figures for last year and i am starting in the same place as when i started last september, but i have not gained all of my weight back.... but almost, so it is a small blessing, kinda!!!

What have i done?!?!

I have discovered a very strange problem, i think that is the only way i can describe it. I sat down with my girlfriend Jeanette the other day and convinced her that she needed to join me on my path to better health, she and i have spoken about it for a long time and she was a fantastic support to me when i first completed my 12 week program with Sue. Thankfully she agreed and we set about diet and exercise... I am cheating a little and have gone back to the original exercise program and diet that Sue designed for me some time ago, and will start there and gain a bit of fitness back and then ask Sue to help me in designing a new program. I knew this worked so i was determand to follow it, Jeanette decided that she would follow along as much as she could.
I however have decided to enter a bike tour in November of this year, it is a couple of day event and will involve riding from Mildura to Echuca over a 2 day period. I wont be riding the whole way (though there is some who do), i will ride in sections. Tim (hubby) has ridden a few times with the police team, as he is a member, and a few of them asked if i could ride with them this year as well. I thought why not!!! Just to add to the challenge and give me a bit of a goal to look to. Sooooo Jeanette and i have been ridding out little hearts out over the past few days, We went for a bike ride on Saturday afternoon, was not so bad until I talked her into doing a RPM class on Sunday morning at the gym. I loved the class it was a full on workout, i drank a fair bit of water but i think i was sweating so much at i got rid of it all, for a 45 minute class they sure pack a fair bit in!!! Poor Netty i thought she was going to die - i think she thought so too!! But i found that after the bike ride on Saturday i had this sore spot right where you sit in the saddle of the bike, makes it very tender and kinda hard to sit on the seat again. I actually thought i had bruised my pelvic bone or something serious!!! So i spent a lot of the class trying to stay out of the seat... which gave my legs and rear an extra bit of work out... They have the class on again today after work so i will have a full day, cardio this morning, weights this afternoon, a game of netball and then try and squeeze in an rpm class (hope i dont fall off the bike)....

LOL all in good fun and fitness... (will see how i am feeling tomorrow)

Friday, May 4, 2007

Bec's journey to fitness

Ok this is just a quick little note to get me started, i already had a blog but i thought i would start all over again, seems i am starting my journey to fitness all over again. I started once and then that sort of fell over in the end when my wedding drew near, as a result of stress and missery in my life i gained all the weight i had lost back again.... only serving to make me more miserable.

So here i am excited to get back into a healthy lifestyle, body, mind and soul.