Monday, September 3, 2007

sick again

Just a quick update - i was due to finish my 12 week program last week, however due to many complications i have fallen in a heap - i was constantly sick, and then one thing after the next come up and in myself i just couldnt cope with anything let alone getting to the gym and pretending to be fit and healthy.

I want to complete a 12 week program from start to finish and achieve my goals that i set out, but i think i will have to wait a bit longer - for the last 2 weeks i have set myself goals of getting to the gym and starting again, but i have been so sick with the flu (bloody flu shots dont work) that i have not been able to do anything other than drag myself to work and back home again, i have coughed so much i feel like i have craked a rib, i have a blocked nose that seems to somehow still drip - and i have a bit of a temp - do i sound like i am complaining too much??

My sisters wedding has been postponed which is i think a good thing for her, both herself and fiance felt things were flying too fast and getting a bit out of control so they have decided to wait and let everything settle - i think it is a very sensible idea, and would rather a postponed wedding than none at all!!!!

As soon as i am healthy i plan on getting back to the gym quick smart to start all over again!!!! I think the way it is going it might fall in conjunction with my moving house - so new house new lifestyle theme i think - just hope i can keep it up!!!..



Kimmy said...

Hi Bec - I was just visiting Jodi's site and noticed your comment. Just thought I would visit and say hi. Your new house is beautiful - I sell real estate so always interests me. Congratulations. I have been sick also so I can relate to your struggles at the moment. Just keep moving one foot in front of the other and stop trying to be perfect. No-one is perfect, we all should strive towards being perfect but understand that the world we live in is always going to throw something at us and we just need to get thru the little rough patches but most importantly we need to keep moving forward. Sending postive vibes your way. Have fun moving - very exciting.
Live with Passion

Miss Positive said...

Hey Bec, you have had such a rollercoaster the last couple of months - but you should be proud of what you did achieve! Once everything has settled down a bit and you're over the flu you will be able to focus - you can do it!

Hilary xx