Wednesday, September 26, 2007

a little on edge

Am just a little on edge at the moment the house - my beautiful house. We have signed all the paperwork and it has all been sent off to where it needs to go. We have all the finance all organised.
The solicitors have not sent the convencers the paperwork yet - we have settlement on Fruday at 2.30 just to give them extra time to get the paperwork. It is so frustrating, I cant understand what is taking so long - but then again i am not a solicitor - probably a good thing as well i might add. We had our final inspection of the property today, the previous owners are all moved out and the house is vacant so it was good to go and see it empty and i can work out where i am going to place all the furniture. We took the tape measure and measured everything out.... At the moment i am not sure if the dining table is going to fit, might have to do a bit of alterations to that. But everything else is great and i am sure will fit perfectly! They previous owners left a few things behind that i would have expected them to take - but i am happy with that as i loved the little touches that have been left behind.
I have figured that if worse comes to worse and the settlement does not go through on Friday, i will ofter the owners rent for a couple of days so that we can move in - as we have given notice on the current place we are living in and have to be out. I am sure our parents would put us up - but then there is the double moving of furniture and animals and the excitement would be all gone then.
Fingers crossed everyone!!

1 comment:

Miss Positive said...

Good luck with the settlement today Bec, its so stressful buying a house sometimes isnt it! I've got my fingers crossed, hoping it all goes to plan.

Hilary xx