Monday, June 18, 2007

my poor legs

I feel like i have not had a chance to let my feet touch the ground yet - Last monday i posted that i felt i was going to be very sore, i think i underestimated how sore i would be. I was bloody sore, outrageously sore, and felt like i was walking around like a tin man. I ached all over, mostly my legs and rear. I had to get up early to catch a plane to Melbourne for another week of training - i got up and going ok, but sitting in the plane for over an hour (as we were delayed in the air) and then trying to get up and walk down the stairs - nearly impossible, i thought i was going to have to ask for the wheelchair ramp to be bought up so they could lever me out of the plane, and then just get moving in the terminal and have to sit for another hour in a taxi only to start again and try and get up the stairs at the hotel and then at the training centre. Given that this was only day one i was already starting to worry about what day two was going to bring. Day two was true to form, and i couldnt move let alone think of going back to the gym for a legs session which what was due!!!... I could feel every inch of my quads and rear, and it was not until friday when i felt that i could move unrestricted....
I have learnt a pretty big lesson and decided that i will keep pushing myself and get through it this week. Am feeling so tired today though, but will get it done, i am determined that this week will be the week where i get it all right!!!

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